Lorrie's Dance
Choreographed by Bill Williamson
Description: 48-count, couples line dance
Begin in closed position (single ladies may do ladies's steps)
Music: Third Rate Romance - Sammy Kershaw
Choreographed by Bill Williamson
Description: 48-count, couples line dance
Begin in closed position (single ladies may do ladies's steps)
Music: Third Rate Romance - Sammy Kershaw
1-8 BASIC CHA-CHA 1-2 Rock step forward left, recover weight to right 3&4 Cha-cha back left 5-6 Rock step back right, recover weigh to left 7&8 Cha-cha forward right 9-16 CHASE SERIES (release hands) 1-2 Step forward left, 1/2 turn right 3&4 Cha-cha forward left 5-6 Step forward right, 1/2 turn left 7&8 Cha-cha forward right 18-24 CHASE SERIES 1-2 Rock step forward left, recover weight to right 3&4 Cha-cha back left (Resume closed position) 5-6 Rock step back right, recover weigh to left 7&8 Cha-cha forward right 25-32 CROSS-ROCK CHA-CHAS 1 Rock step left across right turning body right 2 Recover weight to right 3&4 Cha-cha in-place left 5 Rock step right across left turning body left 6 Recover weight to left 7&8 Cha-cha in-place right 33-40 OPEN-FLAIR CHA-CHAS 1-2 Rock step left across right and face 1/4 turn right,Recover weight to right 3&4 Cha-cha in-place left turning to pace partner 5 Rock step right across left and face 1/4 turn left 6 Recover weight to left 7&8 Cha-cha in-place right 41-48 STEP-TURN CHA-CHAS 1 Step left across right facing 1/4 turn right 3 Release hands and pivot 1/2 turn right 3&4 Cha-cha forward left 5-6 Step forward right, 1/2 turn left 7&8 Cha-cha in-place right BEGIN AGAIN… |
1-8 BASIC CHA-CHA 1-2 Rock step back right, recover weigh to left 3&4 Cha-cha forward right 5-6 Rock step forward left, recover weight to right 7&8 Cha-cha back left 9-16 CHASE SERIES (release hands) 1-2 Rock step back right, recover weigh to left 3&4 Cha-cha forward right 5-6 Step forward left, 1/2 turn right 7&8 Cha-cha forward left 18-24 CHASE SERIES 1-2 Step forward right, 1/2 turn left 3&4 Cha-cha forward right 5-6 Rock step forward left, recover weight to right 7&8 Cha-cha back left 25-32 BACK-ROCK CHA-CHAS 1-2 Rock step right behind left turning body right, Recover weight to left 3&4 Cha-cha in-place right 5-6 Rock step left behind right turning body left, Recover weight to right 7&8 Cha-cha in-place left 33-40 OPEN-FLAIR CHA-CHAS 1-2 Rock step right across left and face 1/4 turn left, Recover to left 3&4 Cha-cha in-place right turning to pace partner 5-6 Rock step left across right and face 1/4 turn right, Recover to right 7&8 Cha-cha in-place left 41-48 STEP-TURN CHA-CHAS 1-2 Step right across left and face 1/4 turn left, Pivot 1/2 turn left 3&4 Cha-cha forward right 5-6 Step forward left, 1/2 turn right 7&8 Cha-cha in-place left BEGIN AGAIN… |