El Paso Stroll
Choreographed by Elise Melee
Description: 30 count, partner dance
Position: Two Step position
1-3 Walk back-right, left, right
4 Touch left toe back
5-7 Walk forward-left, right, left
8 Touch right heel forward
9 Drop left hand & step right foot to right side turning ¼ right. You are facing outside LOD
10-11 Step back-left, right
12 Touch left heel forward
13 Step left forward crossing in front of man
14 Step right foot slightly forward turning ¼ left to face LOD
15 Step left forward
16 Touch right heel forward
17-18 Walk forward-right, left
19 Step right forward and rock
20 Rock left back
21-24 Repeat 17-20
25 Drop left hand and step right foot back, ducking under right arms
26 Step left to side behind man
27-28 Step slightly forward-right left turning ½ left under raised arms. You are now back in two step position.
29-30 Step back -right, left
1-3 Walk forward-left, right, left
4 Touch right heel forward
5-7 Walk back-right, left, right
8 Touch left toe back
9 Drop right hand & step left foot to left side to left side turning ¼ right
10-11 Step back-right, left
12 Touch right heel forward
13 Step right foot slightly forward & take lady's right hand in your right
14 Step left foot slightly forward turning ¼ left to face LOD
15 Step right forward
16 Touch left heel forward
17-18 Walk forward-left, right
19 Step left forward and rock
20 Rock right back
21-24 Repeat 17-20
25 Drop left hand and step left foot forward raising right arm for lady (put your left hand behind your back)
26 Step right to side in front of lady (pick up lady's right hand in your left)
27-28 Step slightly forward-left right turning the lady under your left arm
29-30 Walk forward -left right
Note: Turns that really dress this dance up are as follows
On 9-11 man lifts his left arm up and turns ¾ left under arms to face outside LOD
On step 27-30 lady turns 1 ½ turn left ending up in front of man
Choreographed by Elise Melee
Description: 30 count, partner dance
Position: Two Step position
1-3 Walk back-right, left, right
4 Touch left toe back
5-7 Walk forward-left, right, left
8 Touch right heel forward
9 Drop left hand & step right foot to right side turning ¼ right. You are facing outside LOD
10-11 Step back-left, right
12 Touch left heel forward
13 Step left forward crossing in front of man
14 Step right foot slightly forward turning ¼ left to face LOD
15 Step left forward
16 Touch right heel forward
17-18 Walk forward-right, left
19 Step right forward and rock
20 Rock left back
21-24 Repeat 17-20
25 Drop left hand and step right foot back, ducking under right arms
26 Step left to side behind man
27-28 Step slightly forward-right left turning ½ left under raised arms. You are now back in two step position.
29-30 Step back -right, left
1-3 Walk forward-left, right, left
4 Touch right heel forward
5-7 Walk back-right, left, right
8 Touch left toe back
9 Drop right hand & step left foot to left side to left side turning ¼ right
10-11 Step back-right, left
12 Touch right heel forward
13 Step right foot slightly forward & take lady's right hand in your right
14 Step left foot slightly forward turning ¼ left to face LOD
15 Step right forward
16 Touch left heel forward
17-18 Walk forward-left, right
19 Step left forward and rock
20 Rock right back
21-24 Repeat 17-20
25 Drop left hand and step left foot forward raising right arm for lady (put your left hand behind your back)
26 Step right to side in front of lady (pick up lady's right hand in your left)
27-28 Step slightly forward-left right turning the lady under your left arm
29-30 Walk forward -left right
Note: Turns that really dress this dance up are as follows
On 9-11 man lifts his left arm up and turns ¾ left under arms to face outside LOD
On step 27-30 lady turns 1 ½ turn left ending up in front of man