East Coast Swing (Basic)
Choreographed by Unknown
Description: 6 count, partner dance
Position: Start by holding hands facing each other. On the Rock Steps do not extend arms, when backing away from each other to the point of jerking the shoulders (keep the elbows slightly bent)
1 Step right to side
& Step left next to right, shifting weight to left
2 Step right next to left
3 Step left to side
& Step right next to left, shifting weight to right
4 Step left next to right
5 Rock back on right
6 Rock forward on left
1 Step left to side
& Step right next to left, shifting weight to right
2 Step left next to right
3 Step right to side
& Step left next to right, shifting weight to left
4 Step right next to left
5 Rock back on left
6 Rock forward on right
Choreographed by Unknown
Description: 6 count, partner dance
Position: Start by holding hands facing each other. On the Rock Steps do not extend arms, when backing away from each other to the point of jerking the shoulders (keep the elbows slightly bent)
1 Step right to side
& Step left next to right, shifting weight to left
2 Step right next to left
3 Step left to side
& Step right next to left, shifting weight to right
4 Step left next to right
5 Rock back on right
6 Rock forward on left
1 Step left to side
& Step right next to left, shifting weight to right
2 Step left next to right
3 Step right to side
& Step left next to right, shifting weight to left
4 Step right next to left
5 Rock back on left
6 Rock forward on right